Don't you think God loves everyone? Shouldn't God love everyone? After all, God is love, right?
If so, then. (Do you remember that from high school math?) If so, then does God love Hitler, too? Ceauşescu? Some of you will say yes, that God loves Everyone. No matter what.
But most of you will say no. Definitely not Hitler. How about his generals and SS? But not the people who watched the Jews get rounded up. How about the Swiss, who in their "neutrality" let Jews open to capture and torture and death? Just the government? or all the people?
How about
Bin Laden?
Jim Jones?
Idi Amin?
Pol Pot?
Mao-Tse Tung?
How about Kim Il Sung?
Andrew Carnegie?
George W. Bush?
Glenn Beck?
How about the pedophile down the street? How about the thieves of the Saving & Loan scandal? The CEOs who got multi-million dollar bonuses on wall street? I have a friend whose neighbor dumps trash into her yard, including cigarette butts.
Where would you stop? How do you define loveable? And so, how do you define who God should love?
Does a loving God correct and admonish, or does He allow us to do our own will at every turn? After all, God is love, right?
Or, is Love your God?