Then, I saw one. Clack-clack-clack. Another trip with my mom to the U.S. Embassy in downtown Seoul. 1966. And there she was. The tallest human being I'd ever seen in my entire little life. She had cottony, orange hair and skin so pink she looked like a dime-store doll. She leaned down to me, parted her big red lips and said "Wpoarr arrrttarirr riryrrir!"
She scared the hell outta me.
i bet you where scared. Are you still scared?
I don't know which is funnier. This post or gpieacake's comment. HA!
Grace, I love your writing.
gpieacake, you are sneaky funny
I'm scared of redheads. to the point where that is how they sound to me too.
true story
Was the embassy lady Eve Arden?
Hello! :)
Oh, by! This iz fuddy.
What a great post! At the orphanage where I work I am always having to remind visitors not to scare our new kids who usually haven't seen ferangs before. I am constantly amazed at their inability to understand that they are scary to small children who have only seen Asians!
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