Then the serpent came and pointed to the forbidden fruit. Eve looked at the fruit and it looked good to eat. How many things were there in the garden that were good to look at and good to eat? It was only when the serpent pointed that forbidden one out that maybe Eve started to want it. It's like going to the see all these things you never knew you had to have!
Eve was living in paradise. PARADISE. Do you understand the circumstance?

And yet.
And YET.
She had everything, but it wasn't enough. She had to have that other fruit. Is the Genesis Garden of Eden a true story, a myth or an allegory? What does this story say about us as a woman? Do you see yourself in Eve? I do.
I pondered this as I tend to do. Percolate. Simmer. I have a wonderful husband, a marriage blessed by God, a beautiful earthly home. I really cannot ask for a more fabulous husband - one who loves me, who cares for me, takes care of me, is patient with me.
And yet.
And YET.
I want more. I want him to be neater. My bedroom usually looks like a laundry bomb went off. Over the years, I just could not keep up and slowly gave up. I was going to fight and nag every day or I was going to accept it. I chose to accept it. But not really. It eats away at me in a deep, dark corner of my being. Dissatisfied, unhappy. This is my home! My nest! My sanctuary! Blah blah blah. Yadda yadda yadda. Am I not just. like. Eve??
Oh, the fruit of a perfectly clean bedroom looked good to me. And I wanted it. I recognized that desire for something more than I have, something else to make me happier, even though I am in Paradise! I have turned away from that fruit and to enjoy all the goodness of my world that God has blessed upon me.
I love you HH. Even if your chair is piled high with clothes.