When I traveled in Spain too long ago, I tried gazpacho everywhere I went and never met one I didn't like! They were each a little different - chunky in one place, smooth at another, served with crusty bread here and a little spicier there. All delicious and fresh!
Like summer in a bowl!
Grace likes gazpacho chunky with a zing!
I use about 4 or 5 large tomatoes. Fully ripe. If over ripe, I peel the skin off. I remove most of the green seeds because they don't look too appetizing. Then I break them apart, readying them for blending in the food processor.
There are things that go in the food processor, and things that get mixed in at the end.
Now let's get everything ready to assemble:
The 'blended' items should look like this, a little chunky, not too smooth.
Put everything in a large bowl, then mix in the rest of the 'mixing' ingredients. Chill for several hours before serving.
4-5 ripe tomatoes
1 English cucumber
1 medium green bell pepper
2 scallions
1/2 large sweet onion
1 lime
1 T balsamic
1/2 c EV olive oil
parsley, basil, cumin, salt, black pepper and cayenne