Before I became a mom, I didn't realize what a daily grind it is to raise a kid. Hallmark and the Stepford Moms' Secret Society conspire to put a smile on every sleep-deprived face to say "It's the most rewarding job in the world!!" I, personally, tried to make it through one day at a time. One. Day. At a time.
When a milestone comes up - a birthday, the start of school - I lift my head out of the water, or fog or whatever analogy you want to use and I say, "Wow! Look what's grown in my garden! Look what has happened right under my nose!"
And speaking of noses, here's my little bugger:
April, 2003
April, 2009

Wow. Can you believe it??
[Is "bugger" a curse word?]
It's somehow surprising that they turn into actual little people. That screaming little ball of pudge and slobber turned into a real person. Hmm. How 'bout that.
So precious. You've probably heard the quote to the effect: A mother's days are long and years are short. (Sniff.) I KNOW this and yet have trouble stopping to smell the roses (or lilies) rather than rushing the little girl to bed and barking at her to get to sleep. Yeah, so it was 10 p.m. already and she's 3, and I wanted to declutter a little and chill. There she was, telling me what she wanted to dream about tonight. So precious! I know that I'll be kicking myself at some point, remembering when I rushed the kid to bed rather than lingering to hear her sweet and funny thoughts.
When I say that I can't believe Jake is 3, I am really saying that I can't believe that I've done this for more than a thousand days.
I SO hear you on this one!
Bugger a curse word? Not in my vocabulary. :-) Nope, Boo is too cotton-pickin' cute for anyone to make that connection.
I totally hear you about our kids changing overnight. My babies are out of the nest and I cannot figure out where the years went...except I know I was very occupied coping...and laughing...and crying...and praying...and loving.
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