I didn't really know what I was doing. Like the new girl starting school in the middle of the year. I had some thoughts that had been percolating in my mind for awhile. Months. Years. Thoughts I wanted to get out. Set out.
I'm an architect, and my college professors will tell you I AM NO WRITER. Not only that, I always felt a bit handicapped by being raised in a family in which I was the only fluent speaker of English.

I would slide into the slithery mystery of English and slip right into it like a new pair of pajamas. I shed my Korean accent without looking back; without knowing that I had lost something.
I often share the story of my first trip to the public library. It was a one room, wooden building, dusty and with that faint smell of old charcoal. It was the librarian who first said those magic words, "Nancy Drew." What could my mom or dad tell me about American books? Nothing. What could they do to help me with my English? to expand my vocabulary? They couldn't read to me, nor would they know what to read. My brothers had their own difficulties adjusting to a new culture.
When it was time to prepare for college, my SAT scores reflected my home life: 95th percentile in Math and a 50th percentile in Verbal. I heard Korean parents say their children should stay away from fields like Law that require a mastery of language; that they were handicapped because of their immigrant families. It's an essentially Korean way of thinking - to put people in boxes, fence themselves in.
Through blogging, here's what I found out. Somehow, while studying vocabulary for the SATs, reading voraciously, writing business letters over and over again, somewhere along the way, I must have figured out how to write. My best friend said I should write more. I scoffed, given my background, my Korean fence. She scoffed right back at me, giving me that quintessentially American,"You can do anything" speech. It's an essentially American way of thinking - to see the vastness of the land and sky and know you can do anything.
Three years ago, I started with a little word: CAN.
And now, three years later, I see that I can write. I can! I think.
Thanks to all my friends, who have stuck with me and supported me.
Happy Anniversary. I love reading your blog you are a very talented writer and hysterical!
Happy Anniversary as well! And I have to say, I think people who aren't writers tend to have the most interesting blogs. They just seem more real for some reason ;).
I THINK you CAN write! Love reading your thoughts...opens up things for me to think about too!
I think you are a beautiful writer. I say you CAN write. I truly enjoy reading your blog...please continue!!
Write ON!
Lady, you CAN write. Keep writing because I would miss you if you didn't.
I think you're wonderful and I'm so glad you started the writing.
Love to you on your anniversary and every day!
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