I like to keep my posts short. I think and think. I let issues percolate and simmer for days. Usually months. Often years. Just to keep it short. When I first think of an issue, it's a big combobulation of disparate thoughts thrown hither-thither and yon. Good over coffee, but not so good in a post. In a series of short posts, I'd like to share with you why I think it matters for children to have books, ads, shows and toys that show different colors and shapes of people living in different, but normal scenarios. From my point of view.
As a start, I'd like for you to read this revelation by my bloggy friend, She and her hubby will soon be a trans-racial parents to a cutie-patootie from Thailand, through the same agency by which we found our Boo. Rosemary is incredibly insightful and empathic. I know you will think so, too.
Tell me what you think of her realization.
Hope you had a restful Sabbath day.
Having lived in the south, it was fairly common to see displays, in high-end department stores, of cosmetics specifically designed, formulated, and marketed for black women. I didn't gravitate to those counters because I assumed they wouldn't work for my pale skin. I have never seen those products for Asian women. It's exciting to think of the variety available. I appreciate your friend's awareness and sensibilities. Wish she'd start a franchise here of those Princess products she speaks of so highly!
Thanks for the shout out! It lifted my spirits!
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