I was at the Lancome counter today. I love me my Lancome. I sat on the cool white and chrome stool and was being matched for new foundation. Boo was sitting on the other cool white and chrome stool looking at all the little jars and bottles in their samples display. He said "Mom, I want some lipstick."
Can you hear the silence?
My head says, "Uh-oh. Lavendar alert! Lavendar alert! How do I handle this without seeming alarmist?"
I finally, haltingly said, "Boo,uh, you have chapstick, or blistex. Yeah, you mean chapstick."
"No mom, I want lipstick."
My head says, "OK, maybe I can just ignore him and it'll blow over."
Then Boo says, "I want to draw a mustache."
Can you hear the sigh of relief?
Chae recently told me that he has hero mascara he puts on to give him super powers. "There's one for girls, too, mom. But it comes in a pink tube. Mine is more purpleish/blue."
jake begs for makeup. i'm sure it will pass, and if it doesn't i'm sure he will look way prettier than i
Yeah, well, um. LOL. ;-)
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