
Body Parts

If you're a teacher of 7 and 8 year olds, and you have a choice, why would you insist on saying Your Anus intead of Yurunnice??


gpieacake said...

Uranus, I just put up a URANUS decoration.

Haley said...

My brother called his penis his "twinkie" until he was 10...disturbing. I can't see someone eating a twinkie without laughing still to this day.

mamawhelming said...

We're talkin' astronomy lesson, right, not anatomy? If we're talkin' astronomy lesson, I'd say YUR-in-ous, which is a 7 on the Snickometer compared to Your Anus, which is a 20 on a scale of 1 to 10. I'm snickering now just writing it.

If it's an anatomy class, I call it a tush and turn in my resignation.

Lora said...

I purposely say YourAnus when Jake and I review the planets because it is damn funny.

It's nice that several of the PBS shows stick to the roots and stay true to saying YourAnus too. Helps me with the cause of not taking life and buttholes too seriously!

Lora said...

also, YourAnus had nothing on Earth Science, which has words like "cleavage" and "hardness" worked in nicely to the geology lessons.

mamawhelming said...

By the way, there's methane in the upper atmosphere of Uranus.