
Not Bad, For Your Age

You know those emails you get seemingly every other day?  Some, I am sure I signed up for, but beats me if I remember when or why.  I get this one called "Real Beauty, Powered by You."  There is an article about how to apply blush for each decade of age.  Here's what it says about for women in their 50's:

Shimmer can magnify wrinkles, so it's best to apply it sparingly and only on the apples of the cheeks, says celebrity makeup artist Mally Roncal.  Doesn't Michelle look fabulous for being in her fifties?

Do you know which Michelle they are talking about? Michelle Pfeiffer.  Look at her picture:

Now read the paragraph again:

Shimmer can magnify wrinkles, so it's best to apply it sparingly and only on the apples of the cheeks, says celebrity makeup artist Mally Roncal.  Doesn't Michelle look fabulous for being in her fifties?

 For being in her fifties!  Does there need to be a conditional?  Doesn't she just. look. fabulous?? I'd put her up next to 1,000...no 10,000 younger women and see if they can hold a candle to her.

Why does Ariana Finlayson, the author, do this to women??


Anonymous said...

Seriously, what exactly is she trying to imply by that statement? Michelle is beautiful any way you look at it.

I really wish people didn't make such a big stink over age or compare themselves to the likes of Hollywood. Not all of us have the luxury of stylists, personal trainers, nutritionists, and in house cooks, as well as the benefits of cosmetic treatments and surgeries. Really ladies, give yourself a break.

Alexis of NorthOnHarper said...

I think she is one of THE most beautiful women. Period. Yes makeup probably accentuates it, but I don't think it is the reason why!