
How Dry I Am! How Hot I Am!

I'm not feeling too profound lately. I'm just not feelin it. But I did do some great shopping!

Check this stuff out for Boo:

Didja catch the labels?? OK, not that I am necessarily a label-hound. It's just that these brands tend to have good fabric and nice designs. If you don't know greendog, it's sold at major department store and just a good, reliable brand.

{{Added}} Oh my - I sound like I need ESL. What I meant was, "It's just that these brands tend to have good fabrics and nice designs. If you don't know greendog, it's sold at major department stores and is just a good, reliable brand."

A whopping $8.48:

If new and not on sale:
Blue oxford shirt: about 24.50
Striped dress shirt: about 42.00
New with label linen pants: about 32.00



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